I have had the liberty and the privilege to work with several learning organisations; advising, helping build and conceive models and principles for several kinds learning approaches, goals and implementations. Each of these pursuits were a unique and distinguished learning experience.
In the span of over 17 years, I have worked with over 120 or so organisations of all stature, worldwide, at different levels of maturity and evolution. The one golden rule I realised was to capture your thoughts; no matter how nascent, or evolved; undefined or restricted, it always pays back to put it into a summary.
And, I have realised it is important to revisit your thoughts; and in order do that it is important to capture our thoughts. Repetition leads to evolution, evolution leads to understanding, understanding leads to actions; and actions lead to growth and movement.
Collected below is our understanding captured at several intervals. It is quite interesting to revisit how our thoughts about Thought Jumper evolved as a whole.
I pulled out some of our thoughts from the archive around Thought Jumper; and published them below with a hope, that someone could still help me enrich them further.
Here it goes.
What is Thought Jumper?
(Our understanding roughly two years ago, October 2020)
Thought jumper is an attempt to create an intelligent, informed transcript of one’s thoughts in a collaborative/solo conversation; it is going be powered by both an audio as well as a textual interface to feed and render the thought nodes resulting from it; it is further divided into five further subcomponents;
thought transcript from your thought archive which is navigable at any instant one wants to scour through the archive looking for thoughts expressed in the thought journal.
a lot of objective information pulled from social sites and knowledgebases like wikipedia. This is going to help, aid and augment the thought in question in the collective world view through a defined ontology from several knowledge-bases.
a lot of subjective information from several sites that provide contextual filters to understand the etymology and current state of affairs using news, media services. This would perhaps also have a computation engine attached to it visualise the sentiments, movements and collective understanding and responses of a particular thought.
a Thought map#IssueId-1 which is expressed through the origin and etymology of a thought in your navigable archive. This will a navigable universe, visualised though nodes using a graph library; and will also express the thought node in a GPS enabled graph; and longitudinally through a time capsule
a component which helps in seeking responses from the masses; and those who are invited to contribute and collaborate on a thought through an identified Thoughtjumper framework of thought exchange. This will also include polls, surveys and a possibility to marry several thought archives together.
What is a thought?
Some statistics first
60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day – THOUGHTS
30 – 40 google searches a day – ACTIONS
70% of new information is forgotten each day – INFORMATION LOSS
(Our understanding around an year and a half ago, September 2021)
Thoughts is an instance of neurons firing
Thoughts happen to User
Thoughts can be phrased(in the Gomad way) for Actions and can represent the following structure
user group driven(organisation, department, public social)
Dimensions would house many scenarios in Aspects (in a refined universe as formulas or relationship plots)
Widgets cover some Aspects which is a combination of Dimensions
Scenarios would happen as structured, sequenced and independent events in interfaces and involve entities over their actions using Widgets
Widgets is the communication/conversational interface to the Users authoring Thought-map in the background; while also showing informations, trends and plots as small cross-sections of the Thought-map to the Users
What can we do with our thoughts?
(Our understanding around an year and a half ago, September 2021)
Thoughts can be:
classified into categories
grouped across categories
filtered by category, dimension, scenario, event, entity or group
connected or independent chains/entities
ordered or sorted by time(chronology), results, groups, users, perspective(ascending, descending), value(high low)
part of a milestone, parent / sibling / child thought
mapped into a thought-map / cloud
streamed like an event stream / thought stream
fragmented into a re-playable thought fragment
has at least one entity(mostly 3) to form a phrase to kickstart the s-p-o structure syntax tree; that can evolve into a thought cloud.
join / unite people, actions through events
valued / weighed with user determined scale – good/bad, needed/casual/beneficial/important or any other
enriched or built up on by revisiting them, actioning them, adding, removing, refining information setup/collected in them
expressed as thought fragment comprising of text, rich media, interactions, chart, visualisation
seed / invite more thoughts, collaboration, actions
structured, sequenced and understood
result into in derivable insights
graphed for summary / representation
assigned Time to Live(ttl) values to assign longevity, importance, survival, visibility
pruned over time by TTL, or by user, or by perspective
related to multiple sources, meanings, terms, language contexts, culture
accessed / activated by new imprint(mostly with and sometimes without stimuli)
What is the thought map?
(Our understanding about an year ago)
Thoughtmap is an experience cum a visual map that a user can traverse and store to. This will behave like a thought transcript and have an advanced visualization to be best explain the data; several entities as nodes and their relationship with other entities and situations.
It could be a
contextual map of that thought node
a set of objective information and classes defined per the chosen ontology
feed and visualisation of the news and social media
subjective definition based on people’s responses / opinions
One of the Hand drawn understanding among the many.